Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Moral Dilemma?

Okay, I have a question and I am looking for some feedback…

Can a person be both pro-choice and oppose the death penalty? Don’t these beliefs contradict each other?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Let me ask you this..."How could you be for killing a baby, and against killing someone like Dahmer?"

Brenda said...

First of all this is a hypothetical question - I am playing devil's advocate. This is not truly my personal opinion, at least I do not think so.

This is, if you would believe the media spin, how most "liberals" feel.

It is acceptable for a woman to have a right to end an unintended pregnancy, but it is not okay for sadistic killers to be put to death.

I am not advocating either one, I am just trying to understand why this is.

When you uncover the layers of the issues, you discover that one person can feel two different ways because something has been deemed "legal".

I would venture a guess that most "liberals" favor pro-choice because they have to opportunity to do so - abortion is still currently legal. Killing victims and cutting up their bodies is not (ala Dahmer)!

What I am trying to point out is that society has ingrained many beliefs and mores into our subconscious that may not actually make any sense when you examine them.

Babies have rights, fetuses do not.

Criminals have rights, but victims do not.

It doesn't make any sense, but this is the society we live in.

By the way, thanks for giving me the opportunity to have a little free-form therapy!

Now if I could only figure out which whining, mud-slinging, ethically-challenged candidate to vote for I could sleep at night!

Anonymous said...

protect the innocent, punish the guilty

Anonymous said...

One would have to be confused to hold both of those viewpoints simultaneously. Denis Navratil