Friday, June 01, 2007

Interesting news from MPS

There is interesting news from MPS this morning… The MPS Board voted to create a new position - a Policy Analyst. Michael Bonds, the board member who proposed creating the position, said the analyst would help ensure that the board receives "objective information in a timely manner."

I haven’t quite figured out if this is a good idea or not. On one hand, having a policy analyst on hand may have prevented the latest brouhaha over the PBCG contract here in eastern Racine County. On the other hand, I believe that adding a whole other layer of administration is a waste of tax payer dollars. I won’t even begin to get into the possible problems the likely micromanagement will cause.

Shouldn’t elected school board members just do the job they were elected to do?


Anonymous said...

A policy analyst makes perfect sense. This would be an independent individual who would work exclusively for the school board on projects that are important to them. This person could be checking with other school districts to determine "best practices."

Remember, school board members are part-time. They have to rely on administration to do any research for them. Kinda like the fox guarding the henhouse.

While it would be an additional FTE expense, it makes perfect sense to me.

Brenda said...

I told you I was on the fence on this issue - I do admit the idea is an intriguing one.

Thanks for you comments....

Anonymous said...

Perhaps PBCG would consider funding the position for the SB from all of the "savings money" they have stolen from the District.

Brenda said...

Now that would be a GREAT idea!!!

(Right after we we buy books for the kids from their "bonus")