Monday, November 05, 2007

All eyes look to West Bend

All eyes will be on West Bend tomorrow, as voters will turn out to vote in what will be the state's largest school referendum to date. I imagine there will be some here in our neck of the woods who will be VERY interested in the results.

"Why would that be?" you might ask. Well, let me tell you. With over $70 MILLION dollars in BASIC repairs for the 34 buildings in RUSD, and a complete overhaul of all buildings at an estimated $375 MILLION, RUSD may soon be asking voters to ante-up for its aging infrastructure.

Nothing against West Bend, but I cannot fathom that their buildings are as in bad of shape as many of the schools in the Racine area. If you do not believe me, please make an appointment to take a tour of Walden, Red Apple, Janes or any other RUSD school built in the 19th century.

If some of these schools were rental properties, I seriously believe they would be condemned and the landlord thrown in jail.

So tomorrow, ALL of us (both the anti-tax crowd and the educational establishment) in Racine will be watching and taking notes, so when our time comes around, we will know how to answer.

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