Sunday, April 09, 2006

A New Voice Joins the Blogosphere

Because this is my inaugural post, I suppose I should provide the reader with a little biographical and background information so the reader knows what to expect from me. I live in Racine with my husband and 2 school-aged children. They both attend school in the Racine Unified School District (RUSD), so I obviously have a vested interest in seeing that RUSD improve. But all taxpayers, business owners, and residents are stakeholders in RUSD and should demand more from our schools. I, like many others, have been asking for accountability (the new buzzword at RUSD) for years. It would seem that this idea is finally starting to catch on; the majority of the posts here will revolve around this topic.

Accountability is needed at both levels of leadership – administrative and board. Currently, the district’s board has one consistent lone voice of reason – Brian Dey. Eric Marcus would certainly have joined Brian in the fight against the status quo, but unfortunately his strong message failed to resonate with the public on April 4th. Hopefully the three candidates that won, Gretchen Warner, Tony Baumgardt and Don Nielsen will be effective leaders. I truly wish them the best of luck.

Eric Marcus had my full support during his campaign, and I will continue to support him as he tries to spread his message to the citizens of eastern Racine County with his new citizen advocacy group, CARE. More information about CARE is forthcoming in both this weblog and more traditional media outlets.

Finally, I promise I will try to share with the readers the background needed to make informed decisions. I try to attend as many RUSD board meetings as possible and will share the information that the local print media refuses to cover. I will even interject this information with my astute (hopefully!) analysis. I may even try to amuse you; these meetings can be rather humorous if you think watching a dysfunctional family fighting at the Thanksgiving table is funny.


Anonymous said...

Welcome, it's about time you got your own blog. I look forward to your perspective.

realdebate said...

Welcome Brenda! Finally a female voice from the Kringlesphere!