Tuesday, April 11, 2006

RUSD experiences Groundhog Day

The RUSD board, earlier this evening, settled on an amount for the upcoming June 6th referendum. Like the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, where Murray's character keeps repeating the same day over and over, the voters of Racine keep voting for the same referendum amount - $6.45MM. This will be the fourth year in a row the voters will be asked to approve spending beyond the state imposed spending caps (The first two years were combined in a 2 year referendum).

While I agree that it takes money to have good schools, I question why the district is not forthcoming with supporting documentation on why they need this money. Historically, the voters of eastern Racine County approve referenda when they are assured it will be used for a specific purpose. Since 2001, RUSD leadership has not done this and have had a difficult time passing these referenda. This only makes the already volatile issue worse. Ironically this practice coincides with the appearance of Dr. Hicks.

I also question giving more money to this adminstration because I feel our district's results do not warrant it. The achievement gap is widening, and little is being done to help the children who need it the most. I will not support this referendum without measurable objectives put in place by the board with the understanding that if Hicks cannot produce, he needs to take the QDM (along with RT, CT and CP) out on the road.

It is my belief he does not want a shared vision for the future of our children. His disrespect for the voters of eastern Racine County is appalling, to say the least. We do not need arrogance in a leader, we need a leader that is willing to listen to the community and act on its behalf.

We need to pressure the board to hold Dr. Hicks to some measurable objectives. Our childrens' futures depend on it.


realdebate said...

I vote no.

Brenda said...

Let's all vote no, I know that sounds irresponsible coming from a person with 2 children in the district but we need to cut away the cancer that is spreading within the district.

Perhaps we truly have to reach the bottom financially, and file bankruptcy, to rid eastern Racine County of the district's leadership

I do not see any other alternative if the district refuses to act transparently and come to the voters honestly with sustainable objectives.

I want them to give me a reason to vote yes; right now I cannot support any referendum.

Village of caledonia said...

Just a word to support this blog and say that I, Brian Dey, endorse the work that Brenda has done and will continue to do!

Brenda said...

Thanks Brian!