Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Musings over assets and liabilities...

Winter sucks.... and its official - I am definitely getting a flu shot next year. I apologize for my prolonged absence, I am feeling a little better. In fact I felt good enough to attend the RUSD Audit Committee meeting last night. This committee only meets once or twice a year to discuss the outside yearly audit.

I will write more about the high points of the audit later, but I thought I would first share with you a comment one of the members of the financial team shared with the members of the audit committee.

When asked about the deficit and if it included the long-term liability of post-retirement benefits (as required by new governmental accounting laws starting next year), Mr. Dickson said it did not. The follow-up question was something along the lines of "How is the district going to structure those costs? All in one year or spread across multiple years?"

His answer was sort of surprising to me - he stated that if Caledonia seceded from RUSD he would recommend the single year concept so Caledonia has to pay up front.

I guess this makes sense, but if Caledonia has to pay 25% of the long-term liability, then I imagine the residents of Caledonia would get 25% of the assets too, right? Isn't that only fair? I imagine that the buildings that reside within the village will come at no additional cost to the taxpayers.

These, of course, are just my initial thoughts. I imagine soon we will know the real facts. Stay tuned - things could get very interesting.


Anonymous said...


Your blog describes itself as "unbaised," yet all I see here are opinions and commentary about RUSD. In fact, in your next sentence you say you're an advocate. How is that unbiased?

(Not that your opinions aren't valid and interesting, but it just seems you're not reporting on events, you're commenting on them -- which naturally introduces clear bias.)

I'd recommend a new descriptor line -- I think it would reflect better on what you're trying to accomplish here.

John P.

Brenda said...
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Brenda said...

Thank you for the suggestion... I will consider your thoughts.

First, I believe I am unbiased in the fact I do not have a political or professional agenda regarding our schools. All I advocate is for GOOD schools; I do not have a personal agenda to promote. I do not care how those schools look - they could be charter, voucher, public or private. I write mainly on RUSD because they are the biggest game in town when it comes to education.

Unlike others who only criticize RUSD and never offer suggestions, I try to bring to light issues I deem relevant. I also write out the positive things that are happening in the district, unfortunately the political realties of our school system does often overshadow the good things happening.

And of course I am going to add my opinion now and then - this is a blog remember, not a newspaper.

However, I do try to explore the issues from all angles and I do ask a lot of questions that are intended to spark debate.

Again, thank you for your comments and please continue to check back from time to time.