Thursday, September 07, 2006

Technology may save my sanity

My son, while very intelligent, is a little disorganized and a huge procrastinator; the first few weeks of school is usually a nightmare trying to get him to remember to bring his homework home. This year started out no different, but I have a sneaky suspicion this may soon all change. One of his 6th grade teachers (who he has for 3 classes) posts all of her assignments on, an educational website.

All I have to do is enter the school’s zip-code, find her name, and click to find out what assignments are due and when. This may prove to be very useful tool for a parent with a child like mine. There is even a link for his science book, which we can view online. Very cool, indeed! But best of all, there is a link to email the teacher with any questions.

If any of you happen to be a teacher, I would highly suggest registering at this website and posting your lesson plans. You’d be doing the parents of your students the biggest favor in the world!


Anonymous said...

And who says that you cannot be positive?!! :)

Brenda said...

Why thank you...

I'm attending tonight's meeting; hopefully there will be something positive to report there too!