Friday, September 01, 2006

Unified rocks!

I received bus information for my children a week or so ago, and both the middle school and the elementary busses were on time this morning. Hardly notable, except this is the first time it has happened in 3 years. In past years, my children have not had transportation until the 1st or 2nd week of October. I take back everything bad I have ever said about RUSD; RUSD rocks! :)


Anonymous said...

But if you took back everything bad you ever had to say about Unified we would not have anything to read here. If you truely ment what you said then you should delete all these other comments

Brenda said...

I'm not sure who's missing the sarcasm, me or you.

Anonymous said...

Then maybe Unified should then mess up on your childrens routes since you really are not pleased at anything Unified does

Brenda said...

Pointing out Unified's flaws may make me a hostile critic of them in your eyes, but I don't feel that way.

I think it is GREAT that in the 2004-2005 Unified took over (from Durham) the scheduling of the bus routes. It was a move that allegedy saved $400,000.

But the first year was a disaster, with many schools not getting transportation until October.

The second year, a little better. They planned a little earlier, hired a bunch of temporary employees but still many children did not have a bus for weeks.

The point I was trying to make is that even with something as tangible with bus scheduling, it is clear that the administration fails to plan.

After this summer's snafus, how can anyone argue that fact?

If people just sit by and say nothing, how will anything get done?

I believe in education, and at the core, I still believe IN public education. I am pleased with a lot, I love my childrens' schools and their teachers - I just don't happen to be happy with the decisions made by both the board and administration.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree, it seems they are getting the swing of the scheduling thing. My child's bussing has several problems prior to the switch, a few the first year and last year, but they were dead on time Friday!

Now if we can get this late start going next year that would be great!

Brenda said...

Later starting times,, reconfiguring the grades and redistricting will all help.

Hello RUSD board and administration, are you listening to the community?