Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Making of an Obsession – Part 1 of 17

Well, my pity party is over – I would like to thank all of you who came. Back to the issues that mean the most to mothers across the country – crafts (insert sarcasm here). In honor of our nation’s birthday, I thought I’d pass along a crafting idea that the whole family can do together. Here is the link to a patriotic wind chime you can make with your children. For those of you who do not want to channel Martha, I thought I would provide a brief (?) history of how Brenda became ‘obsessed’ with the underbelly of RUSD.

As mentioned earlier, I was happily ignorant until about 5 years ago when I started hearing grumblings about the new teaching strategy, Continuous Progress, and the highly paid consultants that were bringing it to our district. When I pressed RUSD staff for more information, I was given the name of the head consultant – Dr. John “Jack” Champlin. Once I verified he was indeed highly paid (by looking at 6 months worth of RUSD payment vouchers; thanks again Armin and Mike for telling me this information was available for free at the library), I did a quick Google search to find more about Dr. Champlin and his staff.

What I discovered was disturbing to say the least. The very same Dr. Champlin that was directing our reform process was once the superintendent of the Johnson City (NY) district where his reform measures were considered controversial and critics of the plan correctly forecasted that the plan would “be remembered as a failed experiment.”

In the May 1999 edition of the Education Reporter, there is a story detailing the demise of Champlin’s OBE reform plan and why it failed to raise test scores as promised.
The similarities between Johnson City and Racine are astounding:

“Veteran teachers and administrators told horror stories of how he ruthlessly brushed aside anyone and anything standing in his way”

Many teachers and principals feel the same way; Continuous Progress (same plan, new name) has been shoved down the throats of our educational professionals.

He blamed its failure on the loss of will to "sustain significant change."

Dr. Hicks, our own superintendent, is now blaming the teachers for the lack of improvement in our test scores.

I challenge each and every one of you to spend a little time on the internet and find out a little more of Outcome-Based Education, and then ask yourself this question – “Is this really the best approach for all of our children?” Remember, the acronyms keep changing as each approach is deemed a failure. What was Mastery Learning (ML) is now Continuous Progress, and we still have 3rd graders that can’t spell ‘was’ and 4th graders reading at 1st grade level. No wonder we haven’t seen the promised test results, we have 4th graders who have never seen 4th grade material in the classroom.


Village of caledonia said...

Great post Brenda! The failure of CP to produce rising test scores was predicted by Dr. Bernardo, former Johnson City Superintendent. I have had several email correspondences with him, and he is not surprised by our lack of results.

Anonymous said...

I think you have a hidden agenda to make Wisconsin a RED state, seems that your blog site, Racine's Report Card is on the Bloggers list for making Wisconsin a Republican State. To me Brenda, that is rather deceptive to use your educational research to mold a political agenda. I think it is wrong, if you don't know about this, you are either naive, agree with this and have joined the republican blog group. It just isn't about education anymore, it is a hidden agenda. I feel deceived by you.

When you talk to us about your concerns, we believed you and when we spent some time looking at blogs, your blog is linked up with the republican and hard line conservative blog links. You know it, you don't know it, we USED to consider you a go-to person in education reseach and trusted you, now no more.

Brenda said...
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Brenda said...

I would never consider myself Republican; it would be completely against my core values.

I value too many civil liberties that on the whole Republicans do not.

I am however a fiscal conservative and this is where I do believe in some "Republican values."

I am not a Democrat either, but I would venture a guess if I posted my views on same-sex marriage, I would be labeled a Democrat and very "liberal". But my intent of this blog was never to be about politics, it was supposed to be about education.

I distrust hard-line Republicans and Democrats equally.

I think that people's comments should be taken for what they say, not judged by the links created to the postings!!

When you lump everyone together you create a barrier; its no wonder we have the issues we have.

Education should NEVER become a partisan issue. I'm sorry to hear you will not be reading my blog anymore, because it was meant to be completely non-political and a venue for me to vent my frustrations with the district.

Anonymous said...


Your blog is listed under "red" Wisconsin, you are not a non-political, we thought you just might be for our kids. Unfortunately, your hidden agenda and the company you keep really disappoints so many of us Caledonians who just thought it was really about kids, really.

Brenda said...

I do not wish to engage you in a debate whether or not Republicans hate children.

As I stated before, I am neither a Democrat or Repubican. BOTH parties (on the whole) frighten me. I am, however, very committed to improving education here in eastern Racine county.

I will continue align myself with anyone who feels the same way about education, be that person a Democrat, Republican,
Libertanian, or Green Party. Education is NOT about politics.

I cannot help that my views on education garnered some interest from some unknown Republican and was placed on some list. I did not seek this, but I will also not fight it.

I really don't care who reads my blogs; as I mentioned before education should be completely non-partisan.

If it offends you that my blog is listed as a "Republican" one, please do not continue to read it.

Shana said...

Outcome based education is just a joke. If there is no bar for these children to reach, how will they ever know their full or even partial potential? When will they choose to push themselves if they never know they are capable of much more?

Shana said...

p.s. if you want your name taken off the 'Red' list and put into the 'Purple' list, you can just ask one of the guys to take care of it over at Badger Blog Alliance. Fred could probably do it too, or would know who could. Then there wouldn't be any 'confusion' on anyone's part.

Brenda said...

What exactly is the purple list?

Both red and blue?

Shana said...

The "Purple" list is for those who are neither "Red" nor "Blue". I'm a conservative, but I'm by no means a Republican, so they put me in the "Purple". The point of that I guess is because I'm not interested in making us a "Red" or Republican state, so I don't go in that category. That's fine with me though, since I like purple better anyway ;)

Brenda said...

You sound very much like me, I fit in with Republicans on fiscal issues but not much else.