Monday, October 09, 2006

Limited access to teaching materials = Poor results

Keeping with my current discussion of the inadequacies of RUSD’s curriculum and textbooks, I thought I would share some other parents’ experiences. Due to last year’s textbook reduction, many classrooms in our district have to share textbooks. In one school’s 9th grade US History class, the books are not allowed to come home since the district could only afford 35 textbooks for the entire school.

What is a parent to do if a child is out for an excused absence but cannot take the book home to complete the missed work? If the learning tools are not available, how can we expect our children to succeed?

One solution would be for the district to purchase textbooks that are available online. I know one of my child’s textbooks is available online. (I wish that all of them were!!) Having an electronic version of the book available could eliminate many of the frustrations parents and teachers face on a daily basis.

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