Monday, October 30, 2006

Mill Rate Myths Part 2

I would like to this opportunity to remind everyone that the RUSD budget has very little to do with the assessed mill rate. Even with a paltry 1% increase in the mill rate, the budget passed last week will increase the tax levy by $62.3 million; the new budget will be in the excess of $271 million and the proposed increases for this school year are again rising faster than the rate of inflation.

Will somebody please look at our “above the norm” expenses such as busing and administrative costs?


Anonymous said...

I read in the JS that Modine is cutting back, mostly in administration. I find this ironic considering that Mr. Rayburn(who is the CEO of Modine) sat on the Independent Commission. When will RUSD get a clue and follow suit?

Brenda said...

Good point, Pat!

Mr. Rayburn spoke very eloquently at past board meetings how the district needs to be run "more like a business".

Perhaps if cutting admin costs at Modine is a good idea, then cutting them at Central Office should make sense too.

Unless of course our team of financial consultants get another bonus for the "savings" they found!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that we can still look forward to a referendum in the spring?

Brenda said...

I wouldn't think that there would be a need for an operating referendum, but perhaps a facility referendum.

Those 33 separate binders from the Paullin group study are collecting dust in Gary Bishop's office.

I would think that some of those plans would be discussed for upcoming facility or capital referenda, but maybe Gary is using those stacks of binders as chairs and end tables and doesn't want to give them up yet!