Friday, January 26, 2007

What is a key communicator?

Today I attended my very first Key Communicator meeting at the RUSD Administrative Center (formerly known as "Central Office"). To tell you the truth, I was not sure what to expect. The meetings, I was told, are informal and lend themselves to open dialogue between Dr. Hicks and community members. I am happy to report this was all true. Dr. Hicks kept his opening remarks brief and to the point, and allowed for ample time for questions from the community members.

Going to school board meetings on a regular basis for the last few years, I did not expect to learn anything new at today's meetings - I only wanted to attend to hear the kinds of questions from other members of the community. I was pleasantly surprised to learn a few things today, which I will now share with you (because I am now a Key Communicator).

When asked why it was acceptable for a 4th grader to read at a 2nd grade level, Dr. Hicks said it was not acceptable. With the new testing tools in place (NWEA-MAP) and the baseline data recorded, each child tested is expected to have an increase in their RIT scores – this is a target. If they do not meet their targets, additional resources will be provided to the child that did not meet them

Okay, for the eduspeak-challenged this means that we have testing now that is done 3 times a year, and every child has different goals. Instead of waiting for months for the state test results, the district and teachers get them back the very next day. If a child or school does not progress, additional resources (teachers, tutors, etc) will be provided. Every school is responsible for the successes/failures in the buildings.

I have been asking for accountability for years, it appears I may finally be getting my wish. My only fear now is that somehow the volatile climate of this district will somehow impede real progress.


Denis Navratil said...

My fear is that a "key communicator" is nothing more than a volunteer propagandist and referendum salesperson. Don't let them fool you Brenda.

Brenda said...

I will try to maintain my objectivity and not fall under the spell of the rhetoric - I know greater people than I have been brought over to the dark side.

But it was extremely fascinating to hear Dr. Hicks talk in such a casual down-to-earth way to the citizens who bothered to show up.

So much of what we hear at the board meetings is rhetoric and grandstanding.

Oh, by the way the referendum is coming....

Anonymous said...

He spoke "to the citizens who bothered to show up"?!!!As I understand it, you have to be asked/invited to be a "Key Communicator". If this is not the case, and these sessions are open to the public, then there is a lack of communication going on in the Key Communicator department.

Don't get me wrong, Brenda...I'm glad that you are trying to be involved in something that is/seems positive, but there is a history here that I want you to remember before you go all "Vader" on us.

Brenda said...


Bothered to show up may be a harsh term, but true in a sense - I was not invited. I ASKED to be part of it.

If they allowed me to participate (and members of the Racine Taxypayers) I think it is safe to say that this not by invitation only.

it wasn't the lovefest I had imagined it would be, in fact there were many RUSD detractors there.

And of course I will try to remember to use the force for good.

