Saturday, January 20, 2007

Finding another way around those pesky revenue caps...

From the AP Friday:

Public schools should be allowed to pay for safety officers without having to worry about exceeding the state-imposed spending limits designed to hold down property taxes, Governor Jim Doyle said Friday.

This is a warranted proposal, police and safety officers are desparately needed in our schools - ask any RUSD teacher, parent or administrator. With that said, however, I do think that the state legislature is heading down a slippery slope. They have already exempted some costs from the revenue caps through the establishment of Community Service Funds, now they want to exempt Safety and Security too? What’s next, an exemption for costly consultants?

I imagine that the governor and state legislators will soon find a way around all those pesky revenue caps and we will become the highest-taxed state in the country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I imagine the school boards themselves will employ their well crafted skills at creative accounting to take advantage of this new loophole for as long as it is available.