Thursday, March 08, 2007

Jot this date down, please

Please take the time today to pull out your Treo, cell phone, planner (or whatever it is that you use to keep yourself organized) and make this entry: Tuesday, April 3rd – VOTE.

Spring elections are notorious for having low turnout, and this frustrates me to no end. Our local leaders, and the decisions they make, have a far greater impact on our day-to-day lives than some yahoo in Washington, DC. As a bonus, these are the same people you see at the grocery store, church or local watering-hole, and may actually LISTEN to you. Compare this with trying to communicate with President Bush on an issue that is of importance to you.

Consider this post, and the others to follow, as simply a public service announcement to the members of the community. I will probably have a post in the future about the candidates I am supporting, and the reasons why I am supporting them. I will not ask you to vote for them, but I will be asking you to please VOTE.


Anonymous said...

Can we vote for you?

Brenda said...

I am actually not running, but feel free to write me in if you'd like.

I'm planning on doing the same...