Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Demoncrats and RepublicRATS


When did it become acceptable to resort using name-calling? Can anyone make a point without using derogatory words? These are only a few of the words I come across daily, but the ones I find most often.

I spend a lot of time (too much really!) in the blogosphere, and frankly, I am getting just a little tired of the overuse of these kinds of words. I am interested in what many of you have to say, but hey grow up a little, you all sound like a bunch of 10 year old boys!

Disclaimer: I have used the term "educrat" in the past - mostly as a description of professional educators acting like politicians, instead of the teachers they are - but on further review, I believe I should remove this word from my lexicon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. It does give that whole schoolyard taunt feel to those who do it. It also greatly reduces the user’s credibility. I may agree with a point someone is trying to make, but as soon as they say, for example, “Supernintendo Hicks”, I say, “Oh oh, wacko alert!”. I think Dr. Hicks is a bad man, but calling him names is juvenile and uncalled for. Definitely 10 year old boyish.