Monday, October 01, 2007

The saga continues: PBCG and Unified

Fred has some interesting questions over there at RDW regarding the PBCG investigation, and I have a couple of my own, too.

1. If, and when, the RUSD board "closes" the investigation with Reinhart-Boerner, will all those 20,000 documents used in the investigation THEN be returned to the district?

2. If not, how is the board ever going to know what went wrong, when it went wrong and why it went wrong? How is the board going to learn from their mistakes, if in fact mistakes were made?

I think everyone agrees that this ugly incident needs to be resolved, but I guess there are different viewpoints on "how" it should be resolved.

Perhaps hiding the facts is not in the district's best interest, but hey, what do I know?

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