Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Are the PBCG bonuses justified?

Way last June, certain Racine area bloggers (me and RDW) questioned the $304,000 bonus paid to the Public Business Consulting Group, the consultant group that is acting as RUSD’s financial team.

Now, 11 months later, long-time district employees are (finally!!) questioning the bonuses paid to PBCG. It also seems the payouts are even larger than expected.

As I have said in the past, I am sure that everything in the contract is “legal” , but I still question paying bonuses on savings not realized yet and the practice of having an outside consultant act as the business manager of our district.

What do you think?

Update: PBCG has worked in RUSD for the past 1 1/2 years, and under the guidance of their team the district has cut millions from its operating budget. They have also moved some expenses to accounts that do not operate under the revenue cap. I am not questioning their actions or any legalities, I know that this team knows the ins/out of school finance like no others in the state. I am simply questioning the amount of the bonus. Doesn't a 20% bonus seem a little high, especially since their contract (5 year) is over 2 million dollars?

Please keep in mind that this team replaced one person, who did not make over $400,000.00 dollars a year.

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