Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A fractured fairy tale

Once upon a time, there was a great village with many riches. Over the years this village decayed, but since there were still young people with dreams living within this village, the residents ignored the decay around them. The schools, full of those young villagers with dreams, soon began to decay too. The leaders of the village brought in a stranger to lead and help the decaying schools. He came with dreams of returning the schools and the village back to the greatness it once had. But alas, his dreams were expensive; the poor village did not have enough gold to give the stranger they brought in to lead their schools.

Then one day, a group of strangers wandered into this once great village with its once great schools. They told the village that they could help the schools find more gold – but it would cost the villagers a little of their gold for their efforts. The school leaders were excited, for in fact these strangers seem to know exactly where all the gold was. The school leaders took the advice of this new group of travelers and soon turned their schools into shining beacons of learning. The stranger, the group of travelers, and the entire village lived happily-ever-after.

Of course this is just a fairy-tale. We know now that instead of using the consultants as they should have been used (on a consulting and temporary basis) we are now relying on this for-profit company to handle not only the finances of our district, but MANAGE the entire operations. In reality, this group should have been used on a short-term basis to help us better manage all the “gold” the villagers give to the schools.


Caledonia Unplugged said...

"shining beacons of learning" - this really is a fairy tale, UNFORTUNATELY!

Brenda said...

Kind of like Caledonia - a growing community with a great business tax base, right?

Anonymous said...

Very similar to the story in Kat's Cradle don't you think?

Brenda said...

She is rubbing off on me, I think but I did run it by her before I posted. We run ideas off each other all the time.

She said it was OK (I never claimed to be clever you know)

Anonymous said...

This story really does sound familiar... :)

Seriously, Brenda and I are really good friends. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be blogging. So for those of you that hate my stuff, thank Brenda.

She and I bounce ideas off of each other all of the time. We might blog about the same things, but come at it from different angles, or sometimes we say the same thing just to make the point.

In regard to this particular post, they say that,"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." So, "Thank you, Brenda!" That was sweet.

Brenda said...

Thanks for letting me plagiarize you...