Friday, May 05, 2006

Why is RUSD paying for Union Activities - Part 2

I have learned that Betsy Kippers is a teacher, although not one in a traditional sense. Apparently a few years ago, in order to cut administrators and their costly salaries, RUSD has given the administration duties to teachers. Similar to the department heads currently in our high schools, these teachers have some classroom time but also focus on coordinating the district’s curriculum.

Actually, replacing costly administrators with teachers sounds like a fiscally responsible plan to me. But as a taxpayer, I still have a problem with the district subsidizing the REA’s union activities. I also have concerns as a parent with 2 children in the district. Long-term substitutes are not good for our children; they may need teachers that have the specialized training. Can a long-term substitute teacher really provide that?

I want to thank Julie McKenna, RUSD Board Member, for helping me understand the logistics and ramifications of this item in the tentative teacher contract. As of right now, Julie is the only board member who has taken the time to explain it to me. I may not always agree with the decisions that she makes, but she is one of only a few board members (in my opinion) who does not have a personal, professional, or political agenda. The decisions she makes (with the limited information provided to the board members) have always had the children’s best interests in mind. She does not always receive enough credit for the years of service she has given the district, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank her.

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