Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Divided We Stand, United We Fall

Recently, our local paper published 2 separate commentaries from RUSD board members. One of the commentaries was written by Dey and Bangs, the other piece was written by Kutz, Carlsen, Baumgardt, Nielsen and Warner. For any one familiar with the politics of Racine’s educational system, it would not be surprising to learn these commentaries are of opposing views. There is one side satisfied with the performance of the district (the conformists), while the other side (the dissenters) are questioning the practices and results of the current administration.

Dey and Bangs are considered, by some of the local citizens of Racine, harbingers of evil because of their public dissent. But isn’t dissent a good thing? Without dissent or questioning, will the truth ever be revealed? Consider some of our history’s more famous dissenters: Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi. What would our world be like without people like them?

Challengers of the status quo create change; conformists only follow others and silence themselves.

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