Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Unified fails to plan adequately (again!)

According to the DPI website, there is at least a 2 year time-frame on opening a charter school. Why then did the administration of RUSD think they could start the proposed charter school, in the abandoned Caddy Vista elementary building, in less than 6 months?

Is it any wonder that Bright Horizons backed out of the deal?

It would seem that this proposed early childhood center, operated by non-Unified personnel, may have been the nudge RUSD needed. I was intrigued by the partnership of government and private business. I know this program could have failed miserably, but we will never know now.

Perhaps the next time Unified gets a good idea (like changing the start times for our middle and high schools or contracting out for services), they will do a little research and planning beforehand and make sure they are compliant with the law.

After all, isn’t that what we are paying them for?